quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012

Dica de Alemao: Substantivos com formas somente no singular/ plural

Nomen, die nur im Singular- oder nur im Plural benutzt werden.

Einige Nomen werden nur im Singular oder nur im Plural benutzt. Die wichtigsten davon werden in folgender Tabelle aufgeführt:

nur Singular nur Plural
das Alterder Ärger die Alimentedie Einkünfte
der Friedendas Geld die Elterndie Ferien
die Gedulddas Glück die Gebrüderdie Geschwister
die Hitzedie Kälte die Kostendie Lebensmittel
der Lärmdie Zeit die Leutedie Personalien

  • Ich habe kein Geld. Bernd hat keine Zeit. Der Lehrer hat viel Geduld. ...
  • Meine Eltern sind nicht da. Die Ferien sind schön. Die Lebensmittel sind teuer. ...

quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

Few or Little?

We use a few and a little to mean "not very much".

If you use a few or a little depends on what type of noun you are describing.

For example:
"A few people came to the party." We use a few with plural, countable nouns.
"There's a little coffee left, if you would like some." We use a little with uncountable nouns.

We can also use few and little (without "a") for a more negative meaning.
For example:
 "there's little point in calling" (= there's not much point calling).
"Few people understand" (not many people understand), compared to "a few people understand" (some people understand).

In spoken English, we can also say not many, or only a few to mean "few" and "only a little" or "not much" to mean "little".

When we make comparisons, we use fewer for plural nouns and less for uncountable nouns.
For example:
 "There are fewer people here than last year" or "he drinks less coffee than I do".

Horses Advanced vocabulary

Yearling: one-year old animal

Colt: young male horse less than 5 years old

Foreleg: any of the front legs of a quadruped

Worms: small animals with a long, narrow, soft body without legs or bones

Quarantine: period of isolation

To saddle: to put a saddle on a horse

Saddle (noun): rider’s seat on a horse