sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas Vocabulary and games

Here there are 3 links for you! 

- Do you want to learn the Christmas vocabulary and traditions?

- Here there´s a link to play an online game about X-mas vocabulary:

- And also some Christmas songs and lyrics!

quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012

Como se diz: "Como é que?", "Tanto faz" e "fissurado" em Inglês?

How come? - Como é que? como isso aconteceu?
                       How come you didn´t go to work today?

I´m easy - Pra mim, tanto faz... Por mim, tudo bem...
                  Which pizza would you like? - I´m easy.

into- muito interessado, fissurado em algo
         She´s really into Martial Arts.

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2012

Dica de Alemao: Farben/ Colors/ Cores

 Deutsch               English         Portuguese

schwarz                black               preto

braun                    brown              marrron

blau                        blue                 azul

dunkelblau           darkblue         azul escuro

hellblau                light blue        azul claro

grün                      green              verde

grau                     grey/gray         cinza 

orange                 orange              laranja 

rosa                     pink                  cor-de-rosa

rot                       red                     vermelho  

gelb                     yellow                amarelo

violett                 purple                roxo

lila                       lilac                 lilás

weiß                    white              branco  


quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2012

Dica de alemao: Fliegen/ Voar

Flugzeug - airplane, aircraft

Flughafen - airport

Flughalle - terminal

Flugnummer - flight number

Fluggesellschaft - airline

Linienflug - scheduled flight   

Direkflug - direct flight

Ankunft - arrivals

Abflug - departures


quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2012

Como se diz soja, leite de soja e pao integral em inglês?

Soybeans - Soja. Mas também existem as variacoes: soy e soya.
                   ...genetically modified soyabeans for certain uses.

wheat bread -Pao integral. Com as variacoes (dependendo do tipo do pao) brown bread, rye bread.
               that he has discovered brown bread, he does not accept anything else.

terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012

Como se diz " moleza/bico" e "pao duro" em Inglês?

A breeze - moleza, fácil!
                 The Math exam was a breeze!

Tight- fisted - pao duro, avarento.
                      Don´t expect to have something from her. She´s so tight-fisted!

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012

Como se diz "chifrar" e"galinhar" em inglês?

To two time - chifrar
                       I think she´s two- timing me!

To sleep around - galinhar
                              He´s definitely sleeping around!


quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012

Como se diz "pé no saco", "dedurar", "pare de encher o saco" e "p. da vida" em Inglês?

A pain in the ass - Um pé no saco!
                              That guy is a real pain in the ass!

To rat on somebody - dedurar
                                     She just ratted on me! I hate her!!

Get out of my face! - Pare de encher o saco!
                                     Get out of my face! I want to stay alone!

Pissed off! - P. da vida 
                     I´m really pissed off with this situation.


segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2012

Collocations: "come" or "go"?

Come                                                     Go

come close                                             go abroad
come complete with                              go astray
come direct                                            go bad
come early                                            go bald
come first                                              go bankrupt
come into view                                     go blind
come last                                               go crazy
come late                                               go dark
come on time                                        go deaf
come prepared                                      go fishing
come right back                                    go mad
come second                                         go missing
come to a compromise                         go on foot   
come to a decision                                go online
come to an agreement                           go out of business
come to an end                                     go overseas
come to a standstill                               go quiet
come to terms with                               go sailing
come to a total of                                  go to war
come under attack                                 go yellow

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

Collocations: "get" and "keep"

Get                                                          Keep

get a job                                                  keep a diary
get a shock                                              keep a promise
get angry                                                 keep a secret
get divorced                                            keep an appointment
get drunk                                                keep calm
get frightened                                         keep control
get home                                                 keep in touch
get lost                                                    keep quiet
get married                                             keep someone's place
get nowhere                                            keep the change
get permission
get pregnant
get ready
get started
get the impression
get the message
get the sack
get upset
get wet
get worried

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Collocations: "take" or "catch"?

Take                                                                 Catch
take a break                                                   catch a ball
take a chance                                                 catch a bus
take a look                                                     catch a chill
take a rest                                                      catch a cold
take a seat                                                      catch a thief
take a taxi                                                      catch fire
take an exam                                                 catch sight of
take notes                                                      catch someone's attention
take someone's place                                     catch someone's eye
take someone's temperature                          catch the flu

terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2012

Collocations: "do" or "make"?

Some verbs work better with some specific words. That´s what we call collocations and here it is a list to help you identify them:

do                                                            make                    
do business                                              make a difference
do nothing                                               make a mess
do someone a favour                               make a mistake
do the cooking                                         make a noise
do the housework                                    make an effort
do the shopping                                       make furniture
do the washing up                                   make money
do your best                                             make progress
do your hair                                             make room
do your homework                                  make trouble

segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2012

Como se diz "tonto", "pirado" e " bugingangas" em inglês?

nitwit - tonto, idiota
             He´s such a nitwit!

 nuts/ nutty - pirado, desequilibrado, esquisito

                    She has nutty ideas!
                   You must be nuts to come here in the middle of the night!

odds and sods - bugingangas, tralha
                            My basement is full of odds and sods!

sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2012

Present Perfect

We use the present perfect when we want to look back from the present to the past.
We can use it to look back on the recent past.
  • I've broken my watch so I don't know what time it is.
  • They have cancelled the meeting.
  • She's taken my copy. I don't have one.
  • The sales team has doubled its turnover.
When we look back on the recent past, we often use the words 'just' 'already' or the word 'yet' (in negatives and questions only).
  • We've already talked about that.
  • She hasn't arrived yet.
  • I've just done it.
  • They've already met.
  • They don't know yet.
  • Have you spoken to him yet?
  • Have they got back to you yet?
It can also be used to look back on the more distant past.
  • We've been to Singapore a lot over the last few years.
  • She's done this type of project many times before.
  • We've mentioned it to them on several occasions over the last six months.
  • They've often talked about it in the past.
When we look back on the more distant past, we often use the words 'ever' (in questions) and 'never'.
  • Have you ever been to Argentina?
  • Has he ever talked to you about the problem?
  • I've never met Jim and Sally.
  • We've never considered investing in Mexico.

Termos da Aviacao - Part IV

Check in- balcao de retirada de cartao de embarque, despacho de bagagem e informacoes.

Checl list-  lista de verificacoes e procedimentos de determinada aeronave

Circuit Break - parte elétrica da aeronave (interruptores elétricos) que se desligam conforme a alta temperatura.

Climb- indicador de subida

Cockipit ventilation-  ventilacao da cabina

terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2012

Partes do Corpo em Inglês, Alemao e Português- Parte IV

English             German                Portuguese

muscle              der Muskel             músculo
nail                   der Nagel                unha
neck                 der Hals                   pescoco
nerve                der Nerv                  nervo
pain                  der Schmerz            dor
nose                  die Nase                  nariz
palm                 die Handfläche        palma da mao
pulse                der Puls                    pulsacao
rib                    die Rippe                 costela
shin                  das Schienbein        canela
shoulder           die Schulter             ombro
skeleton           das Skelett               esqueleto
skin                  die Haut                   pele
skull                 der Schädel              caveira  
sole                  die Fußsohle            sola do pé
spine                das Rückgrats          espinha dorsal
stomach           der Magen                estomago
tear                  die Träne                  lágrima
temple             der Tempel                têmpora

segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012

Como se diz " Santo Deus", "Quem me dera" e "pode apostar" em inglês?

Holy Smoke - Santo Deus!
                        Holy Smoke! What´s going on with you?

As if - Quem me dera!
           -I´m sure he will speak with you! 
          - As if!

You bet- Pode apostar!
              - Are you going to the concert next week?
              - You bet!

sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2012

Qual a diferenca entre "actual", "current" e "present"?

Actual - real, exact.
              I need the actual figures, not an estimate!

Present - existing or happening now.
                 How long have you been in your present job?

Current - also means "existing or happening now" but can suggest that the situation is temporary.
                  The factory cannot continue its current level of production.

Actually doesn´t mean "at the present time"  . Use currently, at present or at the moment instead.

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

Qual a diferenca de "luggage" e "baggage"?

Luggage is the usual word in British English, but baggage is also used, especially in the context of the bags and cases that passengers take on the flight. In American English baggage is usually used.

Both these words are uncountable nouns:
Do you have a lot of luggage?
Two pieces of luggage have gone missing.

terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

Como se diz "lanchonete", "guloseimas" , "rango" e "maionese" em Inglês?

Eatery - gíria para lanchonete, restaurante
             Let´s go to the new eatery on the corner of London Street.

Goodies - gulodices, guloseimas.
                That´s all we need at Halloween Parties! Goodies and more goodies!

Chow/ Grub- rango, comida
                       This grub is ok!

Mayo - maionese
            A hot dog without mayo please!

segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2012

Como se diz "azar o seu", "cai fora" , "já chega" e "se toca" em inglês?

Tough luck - Azar o seu!
                     You don´t like me? Tough luck! I don´t care!

Take a hike - Cai fora!
                        You´re annoying me! Take a hike!

Enough is enough - Já chega!
                                  Enough is enough! Can we change the topic please?

Wake up and smell the coffee! - Se toca!
                     Hey! Wake up and smell the coffee! you don´t need to listen to the radio so high!

quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2012

Qual a diferenca entre "look like" e "seem like"?

Look like significa "parece" no visual - fisicamente
 I look like my father. (fisicamente)             

Seem like significa "parece" no sentido de "ter a impressão de"
It seems like a good idea. (Parece uma boa idéia)


O que significa wannabe, to waffle e a whopper?

A whopper - algo surpreendentemente grande, palavra largamente utilizada em redes de fast food.
                    He has a whopper of a nose!

To waffle - enrolar, encher linguica
                   That is just a loaf of waffle!

Wannabe - pessoa que deseja ter sucesso e fama.
                  The reality show candidates are always wannabe people!

terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2012

Como se diz careta, pessoa excêntrica e entusiasmo em inglês?

old fogey- pessoa careta, geralmente de idade mais avancada.
                  Those guys are a bunch of old fogies.

oddball-   pessoa  ou coisa excêntrica, estranha.
                  It´s a real oddball movie!

oomph -   entusiasmo, vitalidade
                  You need  lots of oomph to deal with kids.

segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012

Doencas e Problemas de Saúde - Sickness Part II

ala infantil
children's ward
pain killler
centro cirúrgico / sala de cirurgia / sala de operação
operating theatre / operation room / operation suite
departamento de emergência/pronto-socorro
emergency department
departamento de raio-x
x-ray department
dor de estômago
stomach ache
dor de garganta
sore throat
dor de ouvido
high blood pressure
heart attack
period, menstruation
sala de espera
waiting room
tipo sanguineo
blood type

Doencas e problemas de saúde - Sickness Part I

Alergia - allergy

Anemia- anemia 

Artrite - arthritis

Asma asthma

Machucado - a bruise 

Cólicas - cramps 

Enjôo nausea

Queimadura de sol - sunburn 


sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2012

Como se diz franzir a sobrancelha, fazer careta, sorrir radiantemente? Expressions on your face

To beam is to have a big happy smile on your face. (sorrir radiantemente)

To frown is to make a serious, angry and worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead. (franzir a sombrancelha)

To grimace is to make an ungly expression with your face to show pain, disgust. (fazer careta)

To scowl is to look at someone in an angry or annoyed way. (falar com expressao carancuda)

To smirk is to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know sth that other people do not know etc.(sorrir afetadamente)

To sneer is to show that you have no respect for someone by turning your upper lip upwards. (sorrir desdenhosamente)

Which word: Narrow or Thin?

 Narrow describes something thas is a short distance from side to side. (estreito). It can also be used with the maenings "only just achieved" and "limited".

 Thin describes people or something thta has a short distance through it from one side to the other.     (magro, estreito). It is also used of things that are not as thick as you expect.

 These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns:

narrow                                                      thin

road                                                            man

entrance                                                     legs

bed                                                             ice

stairs                                                          line

majority                                                     layer

victory                                                       material

range                                                         cream

quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2012

Expressions with `all`

All the way (with go)
Definition: do something completely
He's going all the way for the scholarship.
We went all the way to California on our vacation.

Dash it all!
Definition: expression used when very upset
Dash it all! I didn't do very well.
Dash it all! She can't come this weekend.

Know all the angles
Definition: be very clever about something
Jack knows all the angles. Be careful!
The salesman knew all the angles, and by the end of our talk I had bought a new computer!

Of all the nerve!
Definition: expression of anger at someone's behavior
Of all the nerve! Did you see how that woman treated me?
Of all the nerve! She took me seat!

Once and for all
Definition: finally (usually putting an end to something)
I'm going to stop his behavior once and for all!
Let's get this over once and for all.


quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2012

More expressions with get

Get real!
Definition: start acting realistically
Get real about her.
Forget it. Get real.

Get the goods on someone
Definition: find out incriminating evidence against someone
Janet got the goods on him and they are getting divorced.
I can't wait to get the goods on Jack.

Get the message / picture
Definition: understand
So do you get the picture?
I don't think he gets the message.

Get with it
Definition: hurry up
Get with it. We're late.
I wish Tom would get with it.


Advérbios em Alemao

1. To begin with ...
(zu)erst => at first                                 
damals => back then
anfangs => in the beginning
einmal => one time
am Anfang => in the beginning
neulich => the other day
eines Morgens => one morning
eines Tages => one day
eines Abends => one evening
früher => back in the day

2. Action in the middle
dann => then                                        mittlerweile => meanwhile
zunächst => next, then als nächstes => then
danach => afterwards bald/kurz darauf => soon/shortly (thereafter)
anschließend => afterwards daraufhin => as a result
auf einmal => suddenly plötzlich => suddenly
nachher => afterwards später => later on
vorher => beforehand da => at that moment
bis dahin => up until then immer noch => still
inzwischen => in the meantime unterdessen => meanwhile
jetzt => now

terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2012

Kinds of meat - Tipos de carne

 carne seca -  jerked meat

 carne cozida  - beef stew

carne assada -   roast

carne de boi -   beef

carne de aves -  poultry meat

carne de sol -  jerked meat

carne de vaca -  cowbeef

carne de porco -  pork

caldo de carne -  bouillon

corte de carne -  beef cut

almondega - meatloaf

carne moída -minced meat

`In order to` ou `in oder that`?

Is something is in order, it is a suitable thing  to do or to say on a particular occasion:
I think a drink would be in oder.

In order to (do something) (formal) allowed according to the rules of a meeting, etc.
Is it in order to speak now?
It´s necessary a verb after.

In order that (formal) so that something can happen.
All those concerned must work together in oder that agreement can be reached on this issue.

segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2012

Which term: Answer, reply or respond?

Answer or reply are the most commmon verbs used for speaking or writing as a reaction to a question, letter etc.

Note that you answer a person, question or letter not answer to them but you reply to somebody or something:
I´m writing to answer your question.
I´m writing to reply to your question.

Although answer can be used with an object, it often sounds more natural without one:
I knocked on the door but nobody answered.

Reply is often used with actual words spoken:
`I won´t let you down`, he replied 

Respond is less common and more formal:
The directors were unwilling to respond to questions.

You can only answer a door or a phone.

Partesdo Corpo em Alemao, Português e inglês parte III

English                     Deutsch                        Português 

intestine                      die Eingeweide             intestino

jaw                              der Kiefer                     mandíbula, maxilar

kidney                      die Niere                         rim

knee                            das Knie                          joelho 

leg                               das Bein                          perna

lip                               die Lippe                          lábio

liver                            die Leber                        fígado

lung                            die Lunge                        pulmao

moustache                 der Schnurrbart             bigode

mouth                         der Mund                        boca

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Grimm Grammar

Para mim, a conexao dos contos de fadas dos irmaos Grimm e o estudo da Língua Alema sempre foi uma adorável combinacao... Sempre achei interessante aprender com todas aquelas histórias contadas quando ainda éramos criancas. Me surpreendi muito ao encontrar um site que trata exatamente disso...
O Grimm Grammar possui pontos gramaticais em inglês tirados de trechos dos contos de fadas, com um toque cômico e com ilustracoes que ajudam ainda mais o entendimento. Há ainda alguns exercícios online. Total recomendo!!
Hab Spaß!

First Conditional

We use the First Conditional to talk about future events that are likely to happen. 
If Mary comes, she'll want to drive.

The "future clause" can contain 'going to' or the future perfect as well as 'will' and it can also contain other modal verbs such as 'can' and 'must´:
If I see him, I'm going to tell him exactly how angry I am.
If you go to New York, you must have the cheesecake in Lindy's.

terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2012

Adverbs/ Conjuctions

          Besides (preposition) means "in addition to". It precedes a noun/pronoun/gerund:
          Besides working in a bookshop she looks after the garden.

         Besides (conjunction) means "in addition". It usually precedes its clause, but can follow it:
          I can't go to the cinema; I'm busy . Besides, I don't have  any money.
          Note that moreover could replace besides.
          Also, anyway or in any case could be used in more informal English   
            Otherwise as an adverb of manner usually comes after the verb:
           I must be eaten slowly. Eaten otherwise (= in a different way) it is not as good as eaten                       slowly.
           otherwise as a conjunction  means "if not/or else":
           He must  be ill; otherwise he would go to the party.

            However can be an adverb of degree and conjuction.
            As an adverb of degree, however precedes its adjective/adverb and looks like this.
            You couldn 't earn much, however hard you worked.

           Therefore is a conjunction and it can be used instead of so in formal English. It can come at                    the   beginning of the clause or after the first word or phrase; or before the main verb:
          There are many people who want to buy this paiting; you should, therefore, expect the price to             be  rather high.

          yet and still appear at the beginning of clauses and have different meanings:
         still means something similar to "nevertheless, admitting that".
          While yet  means "inspite of that/all the same/nevertheless"

          Though/although introduce clauses of concession.
          Though/Although they're very rich, they still want more money.

          Besides - além de, além disso
         Moreover - além disso, além do mais
         Otherwise - de outra forma, por outro lado, caso contrário
         However - de qualquer modo, porém
         Therefore-  por isso, consequentemente
         Though - embora 


segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012

Some ou Any?

SOME We use "some" in positive sentences. We use some for both countable and uncountable nouns.Example: I have some friends.
ANY We use "any" in negative sentences or questions. We use any for both countable and uncountable nouns.Example: Do you have any cheese? - He doesn't have any friends in Chicago.
EXCEPTION! We use "some" in questions when offering or requesting something that is there.Example: Would you like some bread? (offer) - Could I have some water? (request)
ANY We use "any" in negative sentences or questions. We use any for both countable and uncountable nouns.Example: Do you have any cheese? - He doesn't have any friends in Chicago.
SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE, SOMETHING We use "some" words - somebody, someone, somewhere and something - in positive sentences. Example: He lives somewhere near here.
ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, ANYTHING We use "any" words - anybody, anyone, anywhere and anything - in negative sentences or questions. Example: Do you know anything about that boy? - She doesn't have anywhere to go.