A breeze - moleza, fácil!
The Math exam was a breeze!
Tight- fisted - pao duro, avarento.
Don´t expect to have something from her. She´s so tight-fisted!
Blog com dicas de Inglês, Alemao e Espanhol e também com curiosidades culturais europeias. Aqui você encontra um pouquinho de tudo o que faz a paixao por conhecer novos lugares e o aprendizado de uma nova língua, uma experiência singular. Seja Bem- vindo!
terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012
terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012
Como se diz "chifrar" e"galinhar" em inglês?
To two time - chifrar
I think she´s two- timing me!
To sleep around - galinhar
He´s definitely sleeping around!
I think she´s two- timing me!
To sleep around - galinhar
He´s definitely sleeping around!
quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012
Como se diz "pé no saco", "dedurar", "pare de encher o saco" e "p. da vida" em Inglês?
A pain in the ass - Um pé no saco!
That guy is a real pain in the ass!
To rat on somebody - dedurar
She just ratted on me! I hate her!!
Get out of my face! - Pare de encher o saco!
Get out of my face! I want to stay alone!
Pissed off! - P. da vida
I´m really pissed off with this situation.
That guy is a real pain in the ass!
To rat on somebody - dedurar
She just ratted on me! I hate her!!
Get out of my face! - Pare de encher o saco!
Get out of my face! I want to stay alone!
Pissed off! - P. da vida
I´m really pissed off with this situation.
segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2012
Collocations: "come" or "go"?
Come Go
come close go abroad
come complete with go astray
come direct go bad
come early go bald
come first go bankrupt
come into view go blind
come last go crazy
come late go dark
come on time go deaf
come prepared go fishing
come right back go mad
come second go missing
come to a compromise go on foot
come to a decision go online
come to an agreement go out of business
come to an end go overseas
come to a standstill go quiet
come to terms with go sailing
come to a total of go to war
come under attack go yellow
come complete with go astray
come direct go bad
come early go bald
come first go bankrupt
come into view go blind
come last go crazy
come late go dark
come on time go deaf
come prepared go fishing
come right back go mad
come second go missing
come to a compromise go on foot
come to a decision go online
come to an agreement go out of business
come to an end go overseas
come to a standstill go quiet
come to terms with go sailing
come to a total of go to war
come under attack go yellow
quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012
Collocations: "get" and "keep"
Get Keep
get a job keep a diary
get a shock keep a promise
get angry keep a secret
get divorced keep an appointment
get drunk keep calm
get frightened keep control
get home keep in touch
get lost keep quiet
get married keep someone's place
get nowhere keep the change
get permission
get pregnant
get ready
get started
get the impression
get the message
get the sack
get upset
get wet
get worried
get a shock keep a promise
get angry keep a secret
get divorced keep an appointment
get drunk keep calm
get frightened keep control
get home keep in touch
get lost keep quiet
get married keep someone's place
get nowhere keep the change
get permission
get pregnant
get ready
get started
get the impression
get the message
get the sack
get upset
get wet
get worried
quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012
Collocations: "take" or "catch"?
Take Catch
take a break catch a ball
take a chance catch a bus
take a look catch a chill
take a rest catch a cold
take a seat catch a thief
take a taxi catch fire
take an exam catch sight of
take notes catch someone's attention
take someone's place catch someone's eye
take someone's temperature catch the flu
take a chance catch a bus
take a look catch a chill
take a rest catch a cold
take a seat catch a thief
take a taxi catch fire
take an exam catch sight of
take notes catch someone's attention
take someone's place catch someone's eye
take someone's temperature catch the flu
terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2012
Collocations: "do" or "make"?
Some verbs work better with some specific words. That´s what we call collocations and here it is a list to help you identify them:
do make
do make
do business make a difference
do nothing make a mess
do someone a favour make a mistake
do the cooking make a noise
do the housework make an effort
do the shopping make furniture
do the washing up make money
do your best make progress
do your hair make room
do your homework make trouble
do nothing make a mess
do someone a favour make a mistake
do the cooking make a noise
do the housework make an effort
do the shopping make furniture
do the washing up make money
do your best make progress
do your hair make room
do your homework make trouble
segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2012
Como se diz "tonto", "pirado" e " bugingangas" em inglês?
nitwit - tonto, idiota
He´s such a nitwit!
nuts/ nutty - pirado, desequilibrado, esquisito
She has nutty ideas!
You must be nuts to come here in the middle of the night!
odds and sods - bugingangas, tralha
My basement is full of odds and sods!
He´s such a nitwit!
nuts/ nutty - pirado, desequilibrado, esquisito
She has nutty ideas!
You must be nuts to come here in the middle of the night!
odds and sods - bugingangas, tralha
My basement is full of odds and sods!
sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2012
Present Perfect
We use the present perfect when we want to look back from the present to the past.
We can use it to look back on the recent past.
I've broken my watch so I don't know what time it is.
They have cancelled the meeting.
She's taken my copy. I don't have one.
The sales team has doubled its turnover.
When we look back on
the recent past, we often use the words 'just' 'already' or the word
'yet' (in negatives and questions only).
We've already talked about that.
She hasn't arrived yet.
I've just done it.
They've already met.
They don't know yet.
Have you spoken to him yet?
Have they got back to you yet?
It can also be used to look back on the more distant past.
We've been to Singapore a lot over the last few years.
She's done this type of project many times before.
We've mentioned it to them on several occasions over the last six months.
They've often talked about it in the past.
When we look back on the more distant past, we often use the words 'ever' (in questions) and 'never'.
Have you ever been to Argentina?
Has he ever talked to you about the problem?
I've never met Jim and Sally.
We've never considered investing in Mexico.
Termos da Aviacao - Part IV
Check in- balcao de retirada de cartao de embarque, despacho de bagagem e informacoes.
Checl list- lista de verificacoes e procedimentos de determinada aeronave
Circuit Break - parte elétrica da aeronave (interruptores elétricos) que se desligam conforme a alta temperatura.
Climb- indicador de subida
Cockipit ventilation- ventilacao da cabina
terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2012
Partes do Corpo em Inglês, Alemao e Português- Parte IV
English German Portuguese
muscle der Muskel músculo
nail der Nagel unha
neck der Hals pescoco
nerve der Nerv nervo
pain der Schmerz dor
nose die Nase nariz
palm die Handfläche palma da mao
pulse der Puls pulsacao
rib die Rippe costela
shin das Schienbein canela
shoulder die Schulter ombro
skeleton das Skelett esqueleto
skin die Haut pele
skull der Schädel caveira
sole die Fußsohle sola do pé
spine das Rückgrats espinha dorsal
stomach der Magen estomago
tear die Träne lágrima
temple der Tempel têmpora
muscle der Muskel músculo
nail der Nagel unha
neck der Hals pescoco
nerve der Nerv nervo
pain der Schmerz dor
nose die Nase nariz
palm die Handfläche palma da mao
pulse der Puls pulsacao
rib die Rippe costela
shin das Schienbein canela
shoulder die Schulter ombro
skeleton das Skelett esqueleto
skin die Haut pele
skull der Schädel caveira
sole die Fußsohle sola do pé
spine das Rückgrats espinha dorsal
stomach der Magen estomago
tear die Träne lágrima
temple der Tempel têmpora
segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012
Como se diz " Santo Deus", "Quem me dera" e "pode apostar" em inglês?
Holy Smoke - Santo Deus!
Holy Smoke! What´s going on with you?
As if - Quem me dera!
-I´m sure he will speak with you!
- As if!
You bet- Pode apostar!
- Are you going to the concert next week?
- You bet!
Holy Smoke! What´s going on with you?
As if - Quem me dera!
-I´m sure he will speak with you!
- As if!
You bet- Pode apostar!
- Are you going to the concert next week?
- You bet!
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