Hello folks!!!
Let´s go on with our list of appropriate prepositions and the verbs related - To or for???
- agree : to a proposal/ to do something
- apologize: to someone to do something
- explain: something to someone
- lend: something to someone
- refer: to something to someone
- resign: oneself to something (unpleasant)
- talk: to someone
- write: to someone about something
- apologize: to someone for doing something
- blame: someone for something
- congratulate: someone for doing/ having done something
- excuse: someone for doing/ having done something
- forgive: someone for doing/ having done something
- look: for someone / for something
- search: for someone / for something
- vote: for someone / for something
-wait: for someone / for something
Blog com dicas de Inglês, Alemao e Espanhol e também com curiosidades culturais europeias. Aqui você encontra um pouquinho de tudo o que faz a paixao por conhecer novos lugares e o aprendizado de uma nova língua, uma experiência singular. Seja Bem- vindo!
quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012
terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012
What´s the most appropriate preposition?
Outra dúvida comum!!!
Vamos dar início a uma série de posts com os casos relacionados às preposicoes.
Em alguns casos, é cabível o uso de mais de uma preposicao como em dream, aceitando-se o uso de dream of e dream about...
Espero que ajude bastante a todos vocês!
- accuse: someone of doing something
- approve: of someone/ of something
- dream: of someone/ of something (sleeping)/ of (doing) something
- remind: someone of something
- agree: on something
- congratulate: someone on something
- depend: on someone on something
- differ: on something
- insist: on doing something
- rely: on someone, on something
- agree: with something
- charge: someone with (criminal)
- deal: with something/ with someone/ with (business)
- discuss: something with someone
- quarrel: with someone
Order of adjectives: Ordem dos Adjetivos
Hello guys!!!
This is a very common doubt for most English students:What is the order of the adjectives?
So let´s check them:
Where a number of adjectives are used together, the order depends on the function of the adjective.
The usual order is:
Value/opinion, Size, Age/Temperature, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material
This is a very common doubt for most English students:What is the order of the adjectives?
So let´s check them:
Where a number of adjectives are used together, the order depends on the function of the adjective.
The usual order is:
Value/opinion, Size, Age/Temperature, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material
- a lovely old red post-box
- some small round plastic tables
- some charming small silver ornaments
Value/opinion | delicious, lovely, charming | ||
Size | small, huge, tiny | ||
Age/Temperature | old, hot, young | ||
Shape | round, square, rectangular | ||
Colour | red, blonde, black | ||
Origin | Swedish, Victorian, Chinese | ||
Material | plastic, wooden, silver |
segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012
Bank/ Money expressions
Vamos conhecer algumas expressoes relacionadas a banco:
Conta corrente: Checking account
Conta poupança: Savings account
Sacar dinheiro: (With)draw money
Caixa eletrônico: ATM
Cheque sem fundo: Nsf check (non-sufficient fund)
Senha: Pin
Caixa (pessoa): teller
Conta corrente: Checking account
Conta poupança: Savings account
Sacar dinheiro: (With)draw money
Caixa eletrônico: ATM
Cheque sem fundo: Nsf check (non-sufficient fund)
Senha: Pin
Caixa (pessoa): teller
Proverbs II
Hey folks!!!
Let´s see more proverbs?
Let´s see more proverbs?
"Mind your own business." - Cuida do teu nariz que do meu cuido eu.
Não se meta onde não é chamado.
Não se meta onde não é chamado.
"A close mouth catches no flies" - Boca fechada nao entra mosquito.
"The grass is always greener on the other side
of the fence".-
A galinha do vizinho é sempre mais gorda.
A galinha do vizinho é sempre mais gorda.
"You can't judge a book by its cover". - Nao julge o livro pela capa.
"Birds of a feather flock together" - . Diga-me com quem tú andas, que direi quem tú és.
"Life is not a bed of roses". - A vida nao é um mar de rosas
sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012
¿Qué color te gusta?
Dica de Espanhol: Colores
Você sabia que a sua preferência de cor pode revelar um pouco da sua personalidade?
Você sabia que a sua preferência de cor pode revelar um pouco da sua personalidade?
El rojo es un color que llama mucho la atención y demanda
la acción. La gente roja es apasionada, vive el momento y le gusta
experimentar cualquier cosa nueva. Son mejores líderes que seguidores y
muchas veces prefieren ser sus proprios jefes. |
La gente naranja es muy emocional y sensible a los
sentimientos de los demás. Son extremadamente sociables, y su actitud
relajada las hace personas divertidas con las que todo el mundo quiere
estar, aunque¹ saben muy bien cuando tomar las cosas en serio.¹ainda que |
Las personas amarillas son inteligentes. Pueden tener una forma verbal muy divertida, aunque a veces pueden volverse¹ muy formales. Les atraen mucho los libros y son excelentes escritoras.¹tornar-se |
La gente verde es individualista. Les gusta la compañía pero tenen que huir¹
cuando se sienten atrapadas; actúan primero y se fijan en las
consecuencias después. Creen en el orden y en darse tiempo para ordenar
sus ideas. ¹fugir ²presas |
Las personas azules son muy buenas para contar historias.
Tienen una gran necesidad de comunicarse. La verdad y la honestidad son
fundamentales para ellas, por eso no les gusta nada y pierden toda la
confianza cuando alguien las traiciona¹. Son testarudas² y defienden sus creencias hasta el fin, lo que las hace buenas en debates. ¹trair, enganar ²teimosas |
Son profundos y misteriosos. Las personas índigo se involucran¹ totalmente en algo, o bien se quedan² fuera por completo. Les gusta ofrecer ayuda y consuelo, pero les es muy difícil pedirlos en correspondencia.¹envolvem ²permanecem |
Las personas violetas tienen un buen ojo para la calidad.
Son creativas y algunas veces mezclan realidad y fantasía, lo que las
hace perfectas para los espectáculos. A las personas violeta no les
gusta tener su creatividad reprimida. |
Son los anfitriones perfectos y hacen que la gente se sienta de maravilla en sus casas. Con los ingredientes más sencillos¹ logran² hacer una comida refinada. Las personas rosa son pacientes y comprensivas, pero un buen día pueden explotar³ com un volcán.¹simples ²conseguem ³explodir Fonte: Só Espanhol |
False Friends Part II
Vamos continuar com a lista de False Friends porque ela é realmente extensa!!
Check it out:
- Eventually (adv) - finalmente, consequentemente x Eventualmente - occasionally
- Lamp (n) - luminária x Lâmpada - light bulb
- Location (n) - localização x Locação - rental
- Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso x Notícia - news
- Particular (adj) - específico, exato x Particular - personal, private
- Policy (n) - política (diretrizes) x Polícia - police
- Prejudice (n) - preconceito x Prejuízo - damage, loss
- Preservative (n) - conservante x Preservativo - condom
Check it out:
- Eventually (adv) - finalmente, consequentemente x Eventualmente - occasionally
- Lamp (n) - luminária x Lâmpada - light bulb
- Location (n) - localização x Locação - rental
- Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso x Notícia - news
- Particular (adj) - específico, exato x Particular - personal, private
- Policy (n) - política (diretrizes) x Polícia - police
- Prejudice (n) - preconceito x Prejuízo - damage, loss
- Preservative (n) - conservante x Preservativo - condom
quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012
Telenovela em Alemao
É possível aprender alemao com a telenovela disponível no site do Deutsche Welle. "Jojo sucht das Glück" é a história de uma brasileira que vai para a Alemanha para estudar e encontrar o namorado alemao que conheceu pela internet. A cada capítulo que pode ser assitido com legendas, há uma série de exercícios. Esse é o link:
Hab spaß!
É possível aprender alemao com a telenovela disponível no site do Deutsche Welle. "Jojo sucht das Glück" é a história de uma brasileira que vai para a Alemanha para estudar e encontrar o namorado alemao que conheceu pela internet. A cada capítulo que pode ser assitido com legendas, há uma série de exercícios. Esse é o link:
Hab spaß!
Gabriel García Marquez
Nuestro segundo post para estudiantes de espanol.
Vamos a conocer más Gabriel García Marquez?
García Márquez es un periodista colombiano nacido en Aracataca en 1928. Cursó estudios secundarios en San José a partir de 1940 y finalizó el bachillerato en 1946. Se matriculó en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Cartagena en 1947 aunque sin mostrar demasiado interés por los estudios. Fue corresponsal de El Espectador de Bogotá en Europa y fundador de la agencia cubana Prensa Latina, entró en contacto con un grupo de intelectuales: Ramón Vinyes, Alfonso Fuenmayor, Alvaro Cepeda y Germán Vargas que le presentaron algunos libros de novelistas contemporáneos destacados. Fue por algún tiempo viajante de libros, lo que le permitió recorrer en toda su extensión la costa atlántica. Publicó en 1955 las novelas "La hojarasca", y "La mala hora" en 1962, que le representó el Premio Esso. No consiguió el reconocimiento mundial hasta 1967 en que publicó "Cien años de soledad" que le tuvo un extraordinario éxito de crítica y de público. Otras obras suyas son: la novela corta "Crónica de una muerte anunciada" en 1981 y las novelas "El otoño del patriarca" en 1975, "El amor en los tiempos del cólera" en 1982 y "El general en su laberinto" 1989. En 1982 ganó el premio Nobel de literatura.
Puedes encontrar más informaciones en este link:
Nuestro segundo post para estudiantes de espanol.
Vamos a conocer más Gabriel García Marquez?
García Márquez es un periodista colombiano nacido en Aracataca en 1928. Cursó estudios secundarios en San José a partir de 1940 y finalizó el bachillerato en 1946. Se matriculó en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Cartagena en 1947 aunque sin mostrar demasiado interés por los estudios. Fue corresponsal de El Espectador de Bogotá en Europa y fundador de la agencia cubana Prensa Latina, entró en contacto con un grupo de intelectuales: Ramón Vinyes, Alfonso Fuenmayor, Alvaro Cepeda y Germán Vargas que le presentaron algunos libros de novelistas contemporáneos destacados. Fue por algún tiempo viajante de libros, lo que le permitió recorrer en toda su extensión la costa atlántica. Publicó en 1955 las novelas "La hojarasca", y "La mala hora" en 1962, que le representó el Premio Esso. No consiguió el reconocimiento mundial hasta 1967 en que publicó "Cien años de soledad" que le tuvo un extraordinario éxito de crítica y de público. Otras obras suyas son: la novela corta "Crónica de una muerte anunciada" en 1981 y las novelas "El otoño del patriarca" en 1975, "El amor en los tiempos del cólera" en 1982 y "El general en su laberinto" 1989. En 1982 ganó el premio Nobel de literatura.
Puedes encontrar más informaciones en este link:
False Friends - part I
Hello folks!!
Today let´s speak a little bit about false friends, those words which remind us something because normally they sound as a familiar word for us but actually means another thing... sometimes completly different! Take a look at some cases:
Hoje vamos falar um poucos sobre os falsos cognatos, aquelas palavras que nos fazem lembrar de alguma coisa porque soam familiares mas que na verdade, significam outra coisa.... as vezes completamente diferente! Dá uma olhada em alguns casos:
- Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato é que ... x Atualmente - nowadays
- Attend (v) - assistir, participar de x Atender - to help; to answer; to see
- Argument (n) - discussão, bate boca x Argumento - reasoning, point
- Balcony (n) - sacada x Balcão - counter
- Carton (n) - caixa de papelão x Cartão - card
- Convenient (adj) - prático x Conveniente - appropriate
- Exciting (adj) - empolgante x Excitante - thrilling
Today let´s speak a little bit about false friends, those words which remind us something because normally they sound as a familiar word for us but actually means another thing... sometimes completly different! Take a look at some cases:
Hoje vamos falar um poucos sobre os falsos cognatos, aquelas palavras que nos fazem lembrar de alguma coisa porque soam familiares mas que na verdade, significam outra coisa.... as vezes completamente diferente! Dá uma olhada em alguns casos:
- Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato é que ... x Atualmente - nowadays
- Attend (v) - assistir, participar de x Atender - to help; to answer; to see
- Argument (n) - discussão, bate boca x Argumento - reasoning, point
- Balcony (n) - sacada x Balcão - counter
- Carton (n) - caixa de papelão x Cartão - card
- Convenient (adj) - prático x Conveniente - appropriate
- Exciting (adj) - empolgante x Excitante - thrilling
quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012
Dica de Espanhol
Nossa primeira dica para estudantes de Espanhol: lá vai um link do blog "Dicas de Espanhol" onde você pode encontrar os nomes e respectivos sites dos principais jornais hispánicos. Dá uma olhada:
Nossa primeira dica para estudantes de Espanhol: lá vai um link do blog "Dicas de Espanhol" onde você pode encontrar os nomes e respectivos sites dos principais jornais hispánicos. Dá uma olhada:
Profissoes em Alemao
Hier es gibt ein link mit Thematischer Wortschatz: Beruf und Arbeit! Hab spaß!
Aqui há um link com temas em alemao: Profissoes e trabalho! Divirta-se!!
E como se diz: zoar? mala-sem-alca? meia boca em inglês?
Que tal conhecer algumas expressoes tao usadas no Português? Como por exemplo:
- Meia boca = half-baked
A expressao em inglês está ligada à padaria. Aquilo que é "meio-assado" e é difícil de engolir....
- Zoar = to put someone´s leg
Que tal conhecer algumas expressoes tao usadas no Português? Como por exemplo:
- Meia boca = half-baked
A expressao em inglês está ligada à padaria. Aquilo que é "meio-assado" e é difícil de engolir....
That’s just another one of his half-baked ideas.
- Zoar = to put someone´s leg
Are you pulling my leg?
- Mala sem alca = pain in the neck
He’s a real pain in the neck, an unbearable guy.
terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2012
Idiomatic Expressions- Expressoes Idiomáticas
Let´s see today some expressions in English which can help you:
Kill with Kindness.
If you kill someone with kindness, you are very kind, possibly excessively kind, to them.
No rest for the wicked.
Bad people will not be at ease or will be tormented.
Let´s see today some expressions in English which can help you:
Kill with Kindness.
If you kill someone with kindness, you are very kind, possibly excessively kind, to them.
No rest for the wicked.
Bad people will not be at ease or will be tormented.
A lazy person who doesn't do anything useful is a good-for-nothing.
Dice with death.
If you do something that is very dangerous, you are dicing with death.
At the crossroads.
If you're at a crossroads, you are a point where an important decision or choice has to be made. sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012
Carnaval em Köln - Deutschland
Veja algumas fotos do Carnaval mais tradicional na Alemanha em Colônia!
"Da simmer dabei! Dat ist prima! VIVA COLONIA
Wir lieben das Leben,die Liebe und die Lust
Wir glauben an den lieben Gott und hab'n noch immer Durst."
Wir lieben das Leben,die Liebe und die Lust
Wir glauben an den lieben Gott und hab'n noch immer Durst."
Female Chat- Expressoes do universo feminino em Inglês
Let´s see today how to say some expressions related to hairdresser. How do you say....?
fazer as unhas - to have my nails done
tingir o cabelo - to have my hair dyed
hidratar o cabelo - to get a hair hydration
fazer escova - blow dry one's hair
Let´s see today how to say some expressions related to hairdresser. How do you say....?
fazer as unhas - to have my nails done
tingir o cabelo - to have my hair dyed
hidratar o cabelo - to get a hair hydration
fazer escova - blow dry one's hair
quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012
Expressions with "get" - part II
Let´s see more expressions with get!
Do you get it?
He got it and began having success.
Get out of my face! I'm going to do it!
She told him to get out of her face.
Get real about her.
Forget it. Get real.
Let´s see more expressions with get!
Get it
Definition: understand
Do you get it?
He got it and began having success.
Get out of my face!
Definition: stop bothering me
Get out of my face! I'm going to do it!
She told him to get out of her face.
Get real!
Definition: start acting realistically
Get real about her.
Forget it. Get real.
quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012
On February 1st people celebrate Saint Brigid´s day! The female patron Saint from Ireland! Do you want to know more about her? Take a look!!
No dia primeiro de Fevereiro as pessoas celebram o dia de Santa Brigid! A Santa padroeira da Irlanda. Você quer saber mais sobre ela? Dá uma olhada!
Saint Brigid from Ireland
Although Saint Patrick is known worldwide, Ireland does have a female patron Saint: Saint Brigid. Known as Bridey, Mary of Gaels and even as Biddy, Saint Brigid was born near Dundalk to a pagan Gaelic chieftain named Dubtach (Duffy) and to a Christian slave mother named Brocessa, who was sold soon after Brigid’s birth. She was baptized by Saint Patrick with whom she was to become friends.
As a child the young Brigid enjoyed a position of some comfort and privilege, the family being in receipt of financial support because of their position of authority. Upon reaching adulthood, however, she assumed a role of servitude and was charged with caring for her father and family.
She never forgot her mother, however, and, despite being forbidden to do so, she left the family home, located her mother, negotiated her release from slavery and returned home to her father's house. To her dismay, her father had arranged her marriage to a poet, who was among the most prestigious men of the time. Brigid had already vowed to remain celibate and to do God’s work, so once more she left her home, this time forever.
Together with seven other dedicated women she formed the first ever female monastic community in Ireland in the year 468. They helped the poor of the time and were attributed with many miracles. Despite having limited resources they never seemed to be without food or supplies for their good works. She founded a school of art and a monastery at Cill Dara, about which the modern town of Kildare now stands.
The most famous miracle associated with Brigid tells of her confrontation with an Irish chieftain. She asked him for a quantity of land so that she could build a monastic community. The chieftain replied that she could have whatever amount of land her cloak could cover. Brigid took the cloak from her shoulders and cast it on the ground where it covered over 12 acres of the chieftains lands. He gave it willingly.
The date of her death is now that of her feastday, February 1st, which is still celebrated with the traditional creation of the Saint Brigid Cross made from reeds. She is buried next to Saint Patrick in Downpatrick.
No dia primeiro de Fevereiro as pessoas celebram o dia de Santa Brigid! A Santa padroeira da Irlanda. Você quer saber mais sobre ela? Dá uma olhada!
Saint Brigid from Ireland
Although Saint Patrick is known worldwide, Ireland does have a female patron Saint: Saint Brigid. Known as Bridey, Mary of Gaels and even as Biddy, Saint Brigid was born near Dundalk to a pagan Gaelic chieftain named Dubtach (Duffy) and to a Christian slave mother named Brocessa, who was sold soon after Brigid’s birth. She was baptized by Saint Patrick with whom she was to become friends.
As a child the young Brigid enjoyed a position of some comfort and privilege, the family being in receipt of financial support because of their position of authority. Upon reaching adulthood, however, she assumed a role of servitude and was charged with caring for her father and family.
She never forgot her mother, however, and, despite being forbidden to do so, she left the family home, located her mother, negotiated her release from slavery and returned home to her father's house. To her dismay, her father had arranged her marriage to a poet, who was among the most prestigious men of the time. Brigid had already vowed to remain celibate and to do God’s work, so once more she left her home, this time forever.
Together with seven other dedicated women she formed the first ever female monastic community in Ireland in the year 468. They helped the poor of the time and were attributed with many miracles. Despite having limited resources they never seemed to be without food or supplies for their good works. She founded a school of art and a monastery at Cill Dara, about which the modern town of Kildare now stands.
The most famous miracle associated with Brigid tells of her confrontation with an Irish chieftain. She asked him for a quantity of land so that she could build a monastic community. The chieftain replied that she could have whatever amount of land her cloak could cover. Brigid took the cloak from her shoulders and cast it on the ground where it covered over 12 acres of the chieftains lands. He gave it willingly.
The date of her death is now that of her feastday, February 1st, which is still celebrated with the traditional creation of the Saint Brigid Cross made from reeds. She is buried next to Saint Patrick in Downpatrick.
© Copyright The Information about Ireland Site, 2000
The Leader in Free Resources from Ireland
Free Irish coats of arms, screensavers, maps and more
The Leader in Free Resources from Ireland
Free Irish coats of arms, screensavers, maps and more
SMS in English
Hello guys!!
Today let´s talk a little bit about SMS in English and some abbreviations which are very often used by the Native speakers. Check them out:
My smmr hols wr CWOT- My Summer holidays were a complete waste of time.
ILNY, its gr8 - I love New York, it´s great.
IDTS!! - I don´t think so!
Now its BAU - Now it´s business as usual.
Here is a list with some useful characters and their meanings:
HAND!! :-))
Today let´s talk a little bit about SMS in English and some abbreviations which are very often used by the Native speakers. Check them out:
My smmr hols wr CWOT- My Summer holidays were a complete waste of time.
ILNY, its gr8 - I love New York, it´s great.
IDTS!! - I don´t think so!
Now its BAU - Now it´s business as usual.
Here is a list with some useful characters and their meanings:
& - and
0 - nothing
2 - two, to, too
2DAY - today
B4 - before
BK - back
BT - but
C - see
D8 - date
PLS - please
R - are
U - you
ASAP - as soon as possible
B4N - Bye for now
BTW - by the way
CUL - see you later
LOL - laughing out loud
HAND!! :-))
terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012
Auxiliary verbs
This post is about auxiliary verbs: do, did, will, have etc.
Here on this link there is an interesting quiz where you can test yourself!
Take a look!
Esse post é sobre os auxiliares: do, did, will, have etc.
Aqui nesse link há um quiz interessante onde você pode testar você mesmo!
Dá uma olhada!
Valentinstag in Deutschland. Dia dos Namorados na Alemanha.
Hier kannst du ein link mit mehr information über Valentinstag und Lebkuchenherz sehen.
Aqui você pode ver um link com muita informacao sobre o Dia dos Namorados e os tradicionais Lebkuchenherz, biscoitos de gengibre com chocolate onde se pode escrever mensagens de amor e dar de presente.
segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012
Märchen: Aprendendo Alemao com os contos de fadas!
Essa dica vai para alunos de alemao já com algum conhecimento... Nesse link você encontra alguns dos mais famosos contos de fadas dos Irmaos Grim em alemao. Vale a pena conferir:
Essa dica vai para alunos de alemao já com algum conhecimento... Nesse link você encontra alguns dos mais famosos contos de fadas dos Irmaos Grim em alemao. Vale a pena conferir:
Hello guys!! Nothing defines a culture as distinctly as its language, and the element
of language that best encapsulates a society's values and beliefs is
its proverbs.So check some of them:
" A penny saved is a penny earned"- It is as useful to save money that you already have as it is to earn more.
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder". - The lack of something increases the desire for it.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." - literal meaning
"Better later than never." - To arrive or do something later than expected isn't good, but it is better than not at all.
"Carpe diem". - enjoy the day, pluck the day when it is ripe.
"Every cloud has a silver lining". - Every bad situation has some good aspect to it.
Fonte: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/proverbs.html
" A penny saved is a penny earned"- It is as useful to save money that you already have as it is to earn more.
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder". - The lack of something increases the desire for it.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." - literal meaning
"Better later than never." - To arrive or do something later than expected isn't good, but it is better than not at all.
"Carpe diem". - enjoy the day, pluck the day when it is ripe.
"Every cloud has a silver lining". - Every bad situation has some good aspect to it.
Fonte: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/proverbs.html
sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012
Idioms and Expressions with "get"
Get a life!
Definition: stop being so boring or annoying and do something more interesting:
Come on. Get a life! Go out and have some fun.
I wish Janet would get a life. She's always complaining about nothing.
Get away!
Definition: to leave or escape.Wouldn’t it be nice to get away for a weekend?
Definition: to escape blame or punishment when you do something wrong, or to avoid harm or criticism for something you did:
She thought she could get away with cheating on her taxes.
Get lost!
Definition: go away
Come on, get lost!
I wish Tom would get lost
E você achou que carnaval era coisa de brasileiro? Saiba mais sobre o carnaval Alemao!
Saiba mais sobre a origem e atuais comemoracoes sobre uma das festas mais antigas da humanidade e também largamente comemorada em algums regioes da Alemanha:
quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2012
Past Perfect
This is an interesting link with some info about Past Perfect. Take a look:
Esse é um link bem interesante com informacoes sobre Past Perfect. Dá uma olhada:
Deutsches Kino
Hallo!!! Agora vamos com uma dica pra estudantes de Alemao!
Que tipo de filmes você prefere?
Abenteuer (Aventura)
Arztserie (Seriado médico)
Spielshow (Programa do tipo "Quem quer ser um milionário?")
Zeichentrickfilm (Desenho animado)
Doku (Documentário)
Liebesfilm (Romântico)
Musikfilme (Musical)
Sci-Fi (Ficção científica)
Ich mag ___________________________.
Que tipo de filmes você prefere?
Abenteuer (Aventura)
Arztserie (Seriado médico)
Spielshow (Programa do tipo "Quem quer ser um milionário?")
Zeichentrickfilm (Desenho animado)
Doku (Documentário)
Liebesfilm (Romântico)
Musikfilme (Musical)
Sci-Fi (Ficção científica)
Ich mag ___________________________.
All together or Altogether?
This terms can create confusion.. So pay attention to the tips:
All together
All together means everyone or everything together.
Altogether is an adverb and means "all in all," "all told," or "completely."
All together
All together means everyone or everything together.
It's time to sing. All together now!Altogether
The last time we were all together was in 1999
Put the bills all together on the desk
Altogether is an adverb and means "all in all," "all told," or "completely."
That was altogether too difficult
Altogether, not a bad day's work
It cost over a thousand dollars altogether
quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012
Grammar Tips: Each or Every?
Grammar Tips: Each or Every?
Each and every have similar but not always identical meanings.
Each = every one separately
Every = each, all
Sometimes, each and every have the same meaning:
Each expresses the idea of 'one by one'. It emphasizes individuality.
Every is half-way between each and all. It sees things or people as singular, but in a group or in general.
Consider the following:
Each = every one separately
Every = each, all
Sometimes, each and every have the same meaning:
- Prices go up each year.
- Prices go up every year.
Each expresses the idea of 'one by one'. It emphasizes individuality.
Every is half-way between each and all. It sees things or people as singular, but in a group or in general.
Consider the following:
- Every artist is sensitive.
- Each artist sees things differently.
- Every soldier saluted as the President arrived.
- The President gave each soldier a medal.
- The soldiers each received a medal.
- The President spoke to each of the soldiers.
- He gave a medal to each of them.
- He was carrying a suitcase in each hand.
- There is a plane to Bangkok every day.
- The bus leaves every hour.
terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012
This is a link with a lot of information about Charles Dickens. Why is he so special? Why even after so much time, people still speak about him???
Find it out!
Esse é um link com muitas informacoes sobre Charles Dickens. Por que ele é tao especial? Por que mesmdo depois de tanto tempo, as pessoas ainda falam sobre ele?
Find it out!
Esse é um link com muitas informacoes sobre Charles Dickens. Por que ele é tao especial? Por que mesmdo depois de tanto tempo, as pessoas ainda falam sobre ele?
Let´s celebrate the bicentenary of one of the greatest writers in the world: Charles Dickens. Renowned British novelist author of "The adventure of Oliver Twist", "Great Expectations" and "David Copperfield". People all over the globe will read extracts of his books during all over the day. Why don´t you do the same?? ;)
Vamos comemorar o bicentenário de um dos maiores escritores do mundo: Charles Dickens. Renomado romancista britânico autor de "As aventuras de Oliver Twist", "Grandes Esperancas" e "David Copperfield". Pessoas ao redor do globe irao ler partes dos seus livros durante todo o dia. Por que você nao faz o mesmo? ;)
Vamos comemorar o bicentenário de um dos maiores escritores do mundo: Charles Dickens. Renomado romancista britânico autor de "As aventuras de Oliver Twist", "Grandes Esperancas" e "David Copperfield". Pessoas ao redor do globe irao ler partes dos seus livros durante todo o dia. Por que você nao faz o mesmo? ;)
segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012
Hello!!!!!! Here on this link you can print some Valentine´s Day Cards and glue on it the photo of your beloved boyfriend or girlfriend! Take a look:
Olá!!! Aqui nesse link você pode imprimir alguns Cartoes do Dia dos Namorados e colar a foto do seu amado namorado ou namorada! Dá uma olhada:
Olá!!! Aqui nesse link você pode imprimir alguns Cartoes do Dia dos Namorados e colar a foto do seu amado namorado ou namorada! Dá uma olhada:
sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012
Valentine´s Day
Here there´s a very interesting link about Valentine´s Day History to be celebrated around the globe on the next February 14! Check it out:
Aqui há um link super interessante sobre a história do Valentine´s Day a ser comemorado no próximo dia 14 de Fevereiro ao redor do globo! Dá uma olhada:
Welcome! Wilkommen! Bien Venidos! Bem-vindos!
Meu nome é Luciana Barreira. Sou teacher há mais de 10 anos. E no decorrer desse caminho do magistério, aprendi algumas coisas e gostaria muito de compartilhar isso tudo com vocês, especialmente alunos e colaboradores da Around the World Languages, a minha escola virtual que funciona via Skype. Mas é claro que esse blog se destina também à todos aqueles que se interessam por Línguas e toda a cultura que as envolve.
Prepara-se para ter acesso a links, dicas e curiosidades envolvendo Inglês, Alemao, Espanhol... além de de dicas culturais sobre os países relacionados...
Agradeco desde ja o apoio de vocês.
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